Duane or anyone,
Don't know if you saw this since it is so deep into the threads - thought I
would repost this. I feel like I am sooooo close - thanks- and would hate to
try and reexplain the tables and everything. Can you see why I am not
getting the txtcartagerate value in the text box on the form.
Previous posting:
Wow- the datasheet view of the query did show the rate!!! But not showing up
on the FORM
the field name on the tbltanksrate2 is rate and on the form it is an unbound
text box named txtCartageRate. On the afterupdate event of the delivyd is
where i was trying to set the value of the txtcartagerate text box. See
previous posting to understand better. Not sure what is going wrong on the
Thanks again SO MUCH,
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Don't know if you saw this since it is so deep into the threads - thought I
would repost this. I feel like I am sooooo close - thanks- and would hate to
try and reexplain the tables and everything. Can you see why I am not
getting the txtcartagerate value in the text box on the form.
Previous posting:
Wow- the datasheet view of the query did show the rate!!! But not showing up
on the FORM
the field name on the tbltanksrate2 is rate and on the form it is an unbound
text box named txtCartageRate. On the afterupdate event of the delivyd is
where i was trying to set the value of the txtcartagerate text box. See
previous posting to understand better. Not sure what is going wrong on the
Thanks again SO MUCH,
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