RBS, Category Permissions, Global Permissions?



Can anyone point me to white papers or a book I can buy that gives a good
description of the permissions and how they integrate with the RBS? I have
the Microsoft Office Project 2003 Inside Out book that does a terrible job of
explaining how all this fits together? I'm having trouble setting up a group
of project managers who need less permissions than most of the other project
managers in our organization. I'm a windows system admin and I'm trying to
apply the logic of adding people to groups, groups then have defined access
to resources. The integration of the RBS, Category permissions and the
global permissions for the group are confusing to me.

Dale Howard [MVP]

sshadek --

Click the URL in my signature block and purchase our company's books on
Project Server 2003. The administrator's book will give you in-depth
information about how the RBS field integrates with Project Server security.
Hope this helps.

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