Re – GGVT Excel Data Validation of the Entries Hitherto



Re – GGVT Excel Data Validation of the Entries Hitherto

1. Regular experience indicates that data entries down a column in the
worksheet tabulation turns out to be multiple repetitions of those in
the higher rows of the given column.

2. In order to save some typing, one would scroll up and down the
screen, copy-and-paste those previous entries into the active cell.

3. Now, enter one for the wish list ; wouldn't it be nice that having
those existing entries (of the higher rows) collated into a unique
series (and there, sorted in alphabetical order) and parked onto the
active cell in the style resembling Data Validation ? The user would
then click to roll down the given list and pick an appropriate entry

4. Please share your comment of the above.

5. Regards.

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