Tim said:
Good questions...
1) A description of tblStudent, with a list of its fields
->tblStudent(TeacherId, StudNum(PK), StuName, StudAddress)
2) A description of tblTeacher, with a list of its fields
->tblTeacher(TeacherId(PK), TeacherName, TeacherAddress)
3) If there's any other table involved in this relationship, a description
of that table
4) The RecordSource property of the form. If it's a query, post the
->SELECT tblStudent.TeacherId, tblStudent.StuNum, tblStudent.StudName,
tblStudent.StudAddress FROM tblStudent;
5) The ControlSource property of the combo box.
6) The RowSource property of the combo box.
->SELECT [tblTeacher].[TeacherId], [tblTeacher].[Name],
[tblTeacher].[Address] FROM [tblTeacher];
This is the design that I expected. But based on this, you misspoke when
you said the combo box was bound to tblTeacher -- it's bound to the
TeacherId field in tblStudent, which again is what I would expect. That
leaves me wondering where the problem lies. If you have opened the form to
a particular student, and see that the combo box is currently showing a
particular teacher, and you want to "break the link" between this student
and that teacher, all you have to do is select the value currently displayed
in the combo box and press the Delete key to delete it. The combo box
value, and hence the TeacherId field in the student's record, will become
No, you won't be able to drop down and select a "(none)" value in the combo
box. It's possible to set up the combo to behave that way, but not without
a little rowsource trickery. My point is that you don't need to do that --
just deleting the value in the combo box is sufficient. Am I missing