
Hi Guys.
I routinely modify an Access file I created and deployed with Runtime. Each
time I needed to make changes, I would package the new, modified file. Then I
would go to the machine where it is to be deployed, delete the shortcut from
the desktop and then use ADD/Remove of the control panel to delete the old
file. Then I would reinstall the new file with Runtime. And finally replace a
shortcut for the users.
Something tells me there could be a faster or neater way to go about this
process without having to re-install Runtime. Problem is I have no idea.
Do you have any suggestions?

John W. Vinson

Hi Guys.
I routinely modify an Access file I created and deployed with Runtime. Each
time I needed to make changes, I would package the new, modified file. Then I
would go to the machine where it is to be deployed, delete the shortcut from
the desktop and then use ADD/Remove of the control panel to delete the old
file. Then I would reinstall the new file with Runtime. And finally replace a
shortcut for the users.
Something tells me there could be a faster or neater way to go about this
process without having to re-install Runtime. Problem is I have no idea.
Do you have any suggestions?

Don't confuse the Runtime - a crippled version of msaccess.exe - with your
database! You do NOT need to reinstall the runtime, or even change the
shortcuts. Simply replace the .mde (or .mdb) file that the user has on their
machine with the new one. If the shortcut still names the file and its
disk:/path, it should work fine.


Thank you very much Albert for your explanation through the link you
provided. It was really cool of you.
However, I still need to know how to delete the original Access file that I
have installed with Runtime. This is so that a user does not have the old and
updated versions on the same machine. It seems the Runtime places the
original front-end file somewhere other than where the back-end was placed.
Please tell me how to locate it.

Albert D. Kallal

Glint said:
Thank you very much Albert for your explanation through the link you
provided. It was really cool of you.
However, I still need to know how to delete the original Access file that
have installed with Runtime.

You don't delete the above simply install or "copy" your new
front end "over" the old one...
It seems the Runtime places the
original front-end file somewhere other than where the back-end was

No, the placement of the front end, and the back end are what you set it to
be if you used the package wizard. So, open up that "package" and take a
look at what path names (location) you used.
Please tell me how to locate it.

See above. You then simply build a new install (using inno for example), or
even perhaps WinZip...and install "over" the existing front end. So you
don't delete the old front "copy" a new front end over it.

Of course, you have to setup some code to re-link to the back end location
in case it is different then what your development machine is, but then
again, you had to solve that re-link problem LONG LONG before you reached
point of deployment anyway.

In other words, your startup code needs to re-link to the production install
location. In my case, my development location of my back end is different
the path names + locations used by my customers. And, some (but not all) of
my customers install the back end location on a shared folder. In that case
when my code starts, it says it can't find the back end, and then they have
to browse to the back end location..and then my code re-links. when my code
re-links, it ALSO SAVES the location of the back end in a text file. Since
my software is updated quite often, then additional updates to my customers
will NOT prompt them for that back end location because that text file is
there..and my startup code reads that text file.

the code for re-linking is here:

And, code for file browsing is here:

Folder browse here:

Between the above 2-3 routines, I think just about every developer has used
the above to "cobble" together some type of re-linking system for your

If you ensure that your development path names are going to be the same as
customer's "install" path names, then you don't need any re-linking code at
However, as mentioned, often the back end location is going to be on a
on my customers machines..and I can never know what that path name is in
advance, so you use the above re-link + file browse code to build your own
re-linking system...

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