1. There are 2 worksheets (Sheet1 & Sheet2) in an Excel workbook.
2. The given worksheets are similar in that both of them contain
AutoFilters and make use of Event-Handlers such as WorkSheet_Calculate
3. On Sheet1, it enters into FilterMode after any one of the
AutoFilters is activated and consequently, WorkSheet-Calculate() is
4. On Sheet2, it enters into FilterMode after any one of the
AutoFilters is activated ; however, WorkSheet-Calculate() is NOT
5. The question is, Why is that difference between Sheet1 and Sheet2
with respect to Trigger & Non-Trigger of WorkSheet-Calculate() ?
6. Please share your experience.
7. Regards.
2. The given worksheets are similar in that both of them contain
AutoFilters and make use of Event-Handlers such as WorkSheet_Calculate
3. On Sheet1, it enters into FilterMode after any one of the
AutoFilters is activated and consequently, WorkSheet-Calculate() is
4. On Sheet2, it enters into FilterMode after any one of the
AutoFilters is activated ; however, WorkSheet-Calculate() is NOT
5. The question is, Why is that difference between Sheet1 and Sheet2
with respect to Trigger & Non-Trigger of WorkSheet-Calculate() ?
6. Please share your experience.
7. Regards.