Re. how to send a newsletter to a distribution list but keep size down



Hi, Thanks for the reply (see below), however:

I tried out your test and I still don't understand

I sent an e-newsletter out last week and sent it to nearly
500 subscribers - all at one time and all included in the
bcc line - it measured 116KB in Sent items and measured
116KB when it arrived in my Inbox (I also just checked now
with a colleague to see what size it was when she got it -
the same 116KB).

So as a test I sent it again to 1 email address - 19KB -
both in the Sent mail and in my Inbox; then to 4
recipients - 20KB - in Sent and in my Inbox.

What it says the size is in my Sent items is just the same
as the size it is in my Inbox when I receive it.

So it does seem to be growing? And it does seemto be
counting all the email addresses in the final size? Or am
I just confusing myself further??

Thanks for your help


By the way: I am sending a text file (with line breaks) of
30.2KB size - pasted into an email message body (with
settings for Rich Text)

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