Ruth Ivimey-Cook
I got bitten by some bad numbering and formatting problems on my 115
page, 12.5MB Word 2003 doc, and eventually decided to reformat the text
from scratch (i.e. export to plain text, import text into new doc, and
recreate the formats. I was and am still using named styles for
everything, but last time I made the mistake of trying to create a
custom list format :-(
Of course, this export/import process lost the fields in figure and
table references. So my current doc has 40-odd figures and 20-odd tables
which are named and numbered in literal text: "in Figure 20 the" and
"Figure 20: The". I also add " on page 40" if the figure isn't local.
Is it worth it to create a macro that converts the Figure captions back
into Field-based Captions and links references to them from the text?
If it helps, I have already applied the style Caption to the figure and
table titles.
I got bitten by some bad numbering and formatting problems on my 115
page, 12.5MB Word 2003 doc, and eventually decided to reformat the text
from scratch (i.e. export to plain text, import text into new doc, and
recreate the formats. I was and am still using named styles for
everything, but last time I made the mistake of trying to create a
custom list format :-(
Of course, this export/import process lost the fields in figure and
table references. So my current doc has 40-odd figures and 20-odd tables
which are named and numbered in literal text: "in Figure 20 the" and
"Figure 20: The". I also add " on page 40" if the figure isn't local.
Is it worth it to create a macro that converts the Figure captions back
into Field-based Captions and links references to them from the text?
If it helps, I have already applied the style Caption to the figure and
table titles.