


I'm formatting my Hard Drive and need to know if I need to do anything with
Office 2007 Home Edition before I do so. I've already installed it on three
computers, so will my activation code still work? I have 6 GB free on an
external flash drive if any files need to be copied. Thanks!

db ´¯`·.. >

anti piracy engineered
into the software would
prevent you from saving
any system files, unless
your making a backup.

you might want to post
a question on the winxp
help and support newsgroup
instead of office in order
to ascertain methods that
would help repair the o.s.
instead of nuking it.

there are unique scenerios
where nuking the disk may
not resolve the issue you
have and wiping all the data
you had acquired would have
been a waste of time and energy.



DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces

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