Re-installing Microsoft Office Small BLusiness Ediltion 2003



Recently.. I lost the PowerPoint and Excel of the Microsoft Office Small
BLusiness Edition 2003.. that came with my dell in the package deal. I
retrieved the PowerPoint and Excel by other means but am having problems with
the HELP section of this program and attempted to RE-INSTALL it but it will
not let me do so... It goes so far in the reinstallation and then stops with
a message: error 1311: Source file not found: E:\ZF561407.CAB.... When I
received the DELL, it came with Microsoft Small Business Edition in two disks
but they were already installed. So.. when I wewnt to re-install/repair this
installation, one of the disks(Business contact manager) was no problem.. But
the second disk has several items on it, i.e. FILES; OWC11; SETUP; STDP11N;
OWC10;README;SETUP. I downloaded (repaired, etc) the OWC11 but the others
will not re-install/repair due to the error above... What do I do now?

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