Re-Numbering in a query



I am trying to set up a simple query that will
automatically re-number a list of names, so if I filter,
sort or add names the new list will number in
sequence...1,2,3,4 etc. I tried experimenting with the
count function, but just did not work out. The query only
has 4 fields: [lngCount], [strLastName], [strFirstName],
[strMD]. In the end, I hope to be able to put in a MD name
in the [strMD]criteria and sort the patients for a
specific MD and the query will show a list of patients
with a numbering in sequence..1,2,3,4 etc.
Thanks so much...any help is appreciated.

Duane Hookom

Is there any rhyme or reason to the numbering of patients? It is generally
not a good practice to store a sequence number that is dynamic and can be
created in a query or report. If your results are being printed in a report,
you can add a text box to the detail section of the report:
Control Source: =1
Running Sum: Over Group (or Over All)
This will number the rows in the report beginning with 1.

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