Re-post: Conditional sum: different worksheets



Hi ng.
Using xl xp pro.
Apologies for the re-post.
Have not seen reply to my question.
Can anyone help me out?


Orig Post==============================================

Tried running conditional sum wizard on tab: Accnt_Dat
Through the wizard I established 3 criteria for the sum
Wizard prompts for resultant placement. I chose tab: Comm
Nothing appeared in the cell I selected.

I repeated all steps carefully in case I made an error.
Still nothing was placed in: Comm!$C$2.

I started trying to type by hand and came up with:

=(SUM(OR(IF(Accnt_Dat!$B$2:$B$1700="SALES-1", _
IF(Accnt_Dat!$B$2:$B$1700="SALES-2")))), _

What I need is if Sales-1 or Sales-2 and match on val in col A

Sorry, so long. I entered continuation char's here, of course the
actual formula does not have the con' char's. Formula entered with

Comparison on col A for match on unit number. So when drag formula down
compares for next unit number, same text search for "Sales-1", "Sales-2"

In every instance result returns as 0.


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