Re-Post; search and insert into continuous subform



Hi, I'm just reposting this as the person helping me advised they really
couldn't help much further. I have a main form with a continuous subform.
When the user clicks on search in the subform, it opens up a Search Form that
queries the Main table (actually a query of the main table) and displays all
possible records. What I have now is that when the user double clicks on the
record they want, it opens up in the subform by itself.

What I actually need to happen is that the record fills into the subform on
the main form and then they can continue searching and adding records to
their hearts content. Here's what I have:

Private Sub List_Results_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
'Open MAIN_Form based on the ID from List_Results listbox
DoCmd.OpenForm "Frm_MAIN_MULTIPLES", , , "[Record_ID] = " &
Me.List_Results, , acDialog
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub

I have tried changing the form name ie. [Main Form]![Subform], [Main
Form].[Subform] but no luck. My thoughts are that possibly OpenForm is the
problem but I really am not sure.

I will be forever grateful if someone can help me!!!!!

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