Re-Publish Assignments not working properly.



I have performed a Re-Publish Assignments to get a new field added to the
Timesheets. Specifically, I am trying to add the Baseline Finish Date to the
Timesheet in PWA. I added the column in the view, the column shows up, but
no data is showing up in the PWA view. There is data in the Project Plan.

How can I tell if there is an issue with the Re-Publish Assignments action,
or if there is a server configuration issue?

Any suggestions?

Joe – (from ETS)

Dale Howard [MVP]

Joe --

You need to add the Baseline Finish field to the list of published fields in
each project using Tools - Customize - Published Fields. After doing this,
then you should republish the assignments using Collaborate - Publish -
Republish Assignments. Hope this helps.

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