Re-sizing Text


Sidney Guidry

I'm a relative newbie when it comes to web page development. So please bear
with me if this question is a little lame. You know how Internet Explorer
allows you to change the size of the font. I have been to quite a few pages
and noticed that this has no effect on the font displayed on them. I want
to do the same on my page. I am using tables for just about everything.
When the font is resized within IE it increases the size of the cells messes
up the entire layout of my page. Any help? By the way, I am using
Frontpage 2002 with SP2.

Thomas A. Rowe

Keep in mind that when people choose to change the font size in their
browser, they are do so, so that they can read the content. If I visit a web
site and can't read the content and I can't change the font size, then there
is no reason for me to ever return to that site.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Sidney Guidry

Thanks for the tip. Any other suggestion on how to keep my page looking the
way I want it and allow people to increase the font?

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