Re-starting and re-setting WDS3.0



I probably killed any effective ON search by fooling with settings in WDS a
week ago. I tried to speed indexing by giving the WDS routines a smaller
playing field. However, I now need to go back to the defaults, but there is
no UI that helps. Patrick wrote the following at that time:
Indexing is always paused while you are working on your computer.
What did you change inside WDS3? The general rule is to just install
WDS3 and let it be. Not to mess around with the target settings.
WDS3 does NOT index the actual OneNote files and folders, so setting it
to just those will just stop indexing from happening. WDS3 is just an
engine used by OneNote and as such, the targets starting with onenote://
need to be listed. Also, it will only work when OneNote is open.

How can a user re-set defaults in the limited WDS interface?


Patrick Schmid

First thing to try is remove, reboot and reinstall WDS3. Maybe that
resets the settings?

Patrick Schmid

Patrick Schmid

What do you have as indexing targets in the control panel, indexing
options dialog now?

Patrick Schmid


There are four entries:
mapi://{(long string of numbers and letters follow...)
My Notebooks (folder icon)
OneIndex://{s--long string...
OneIndex://{s--long string...

....and it still has just 2,100-plus objects indexed. Too small, and just the
same as the other day.

Thanks for your help on this.

If necessary I will re-install. I don't remember where I download it, though.


Patrick Schmid

The "My Notebooks" one doesn't belong there. The other three for sure.
The mapi entry is for Outlook, the oneIndex ones are obviously for
OneNote (and yes, you need both). The S- string is the security
identification string (SID) of your user account.
Remove WDS 3, reboot and reinstall it. Then tell it to rebuild the index
via Control Panel, Indexing Options, Advanced, Rebuild. There is an
entire list of reasons why you this could not be working...We'll get to
that ;)
Important thing to remember is that indexing only happens while OneNote
(or respectively Outlook) are open. Indexing will also not happen while
you are working on your computer. Best strategy is to just leave OneNote
open over night.
You can get the link to download WDS 3 from

Patrick Schmid

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