re VBA for serious development



(I would have responded to the thread, but my wonderful M$ outlook exp. is
freaking out when I try to do that, so can only do new posts)

don't have an answer for you, but pondering the same thing myself...

been using Python with wxWidgits for UI, and making calls to Excel and
Word... it works great, and I love using python as the main lang... but my
end users are totally *addicted* to Excel... in fact, if the data is not
Excel, it is like they do not even believe that it is real data or
something... more and more I am writing stuff that just makes calls to
Excel, which in VBA I have procs that call ms-sql server to shove the data
into a worksheet... I am actually pondering just writing all new apps
straight in Excel (I do corp. dev work only... all end-user db interaction

I dont really know if it is a good idea or not as I have not attempted to do
much UI in VBA with either forms, or controlling a worksheet. VBA seems
kludgy to me after python, but it certainly works, and I *love* the spiffy

Does anyone know, is VBA going to get canned (or morhped beyond recognition)
by M$ also, like the old vb did when they morphed it into

Michael Herzfeld

We have publicly committed to supporting VBA in Office 12 and the next
version after that at the very least. Given that our current support
policies last for 10 years for each version of a product, that means we
will be supporting VBA for at least 10-15 years or longer.

Michael Herzfeld
Office Programmability Test Team

-----Original Message-----
From: spiffo [mailto:[email protected]]
Posted At: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 6:53 AM
Posted To:
Conversation: re VBA for serious development
Subject: re VBA for serious development

(I would have responded to the thread, but my wonderful M$ outlook exp.
freaking out when I try to do that, so can only do new posts)

don't have an answer for you, but pondering the same thing myself...

been using Python with wxWidgits for UI, and making calls to Excel and
Word... it works great, and I love using python as the main lang... but
end users are totally *addicted* to Excel... in fact, if the data is not
Excel, it is like they do not even believe that it is real data or
something... more and more I am writing stuff that just makes calls to
Excel, which in VBA I have procs that call ms-sql server to shove the
into a worksheet... I am actually pondering just writing all new apps
straight in Excel (I do corp. dev work only... all end-user db

I dont really know if it is a good idea or not as I have not attempted
to do
much UI in VBA with either forms, or controlling a worksheet. VBA seems
kludgy to me after python, but it certainly works, and I *love* the

Does anyone know, is VBA going to get canned (or morhped beyond
by M$ also, like the old vb did when they morphed it into

Jonathan West

Does anyone know, is VBA going to get canned (or morhped beyond
by M$ also, like the old vb did when they morphed it into

There's been a public announcement to the effect that VBA will be in Office
12. Microsoft usually doesn't announce its product plans further beyond
that. But you can be certain that the importance of VBA and issues of
migrating code from one version of Office to the next has been thoroughly
brought to their attention by major customers and other people.

The Office group has probably looked at the VB.NET experience and didn't
like what they saw. After all, 2 versions of Office with VBA have already
been released since VB.NET came out.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
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