Alexandre said:
Dammit, i *specifically* said VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS
Is there any chances you can you help me with THE QUESTION I ASKED instead
of moking me from the start.
Calm down. Karl said "They're almost all coded directly within Classic VB,
but nearly all of them will work just fine in VBA as well".
I can confirm this. Apart from the fact that VB6 uses Forms and VBA uses
UserForms which have a different and more limited set of controls, the
syntax of the two languages is almost identical. You can literally drop a
VB-authored module into a VBa project and it will simply work. I use several
of Karl's code samples on a regular basis in my own VBA projects. They are
an outstandingly useful resource.
You simply won't find API code samples on the topic you are looking for that
have been written in VBA itself. This is because this kind of graphics
handling is clearly in the area of general-purpose programming - most VBA
code samples on the web deal with areas which VBA developers specialise in,
i.e. manipulation of the Office object models. Like me, they raid websites
such as Karl's when they need general-purpose routines from outside their
own speciality.