Read and rate the response link is blocked



When I ask a question on this forum and check the "Notify me of replies" I
get a notification email but the "read and rate the response" link in the
email opens an empty page in the discussion group. This function used to
work. Can anyone help me fix it?

John W. Vinson

When I ask a question on this forum and check the "Notify me of replies" I
get a notification email but the "read and rate the response" link in the
email opens an empty page in the discussion group. This function used to
work. Can anyone help me fix it?

The Microsoft discussions webpage is *not the forum* (despite Microsoft's
effort to conceal that fact). It's a newsreader program, and frankly not a
very good one.

Many of the volunteers here never use the Discussions webpage at all; instead,
we use a Newsreader (I use Agent, some use Outlook Express or Windows Mail,
there are dozens of others) connected to the news server
or These give the content of the messages but do not
support notification or rating of responses. The webpage, which does so, is
notoriously unreliable and buggy. I'd really recommend using a newsreader


I had changed the text size in "advanced", i took the check out of that box ,
and the page loaded, if it had anything to do with it?
tools/internet options/advanced// 2 boxes there for text size, i removed the
top one


You can copy and paste the link "READ AND RATE" , that is in the email
notification, into google and it will bring you to this page.

Thats.'s a little strange?

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