Read One Note 2007 files in 2003



I bought One Note 2003. When I upgraded computers at work, I couldn't find
the disc so I downloaded a trial 2007. It upgraded all my files to 2007
files. then I found the disc and installed 2003 and got rid of 2007. Now I
can't open any of my One Note files.

I have read article 923307, but it doesn't help b/c it assumes I still have
2007 available. I do not. Is there a converter or something to convert
these back to 2003 files so I can work with them? thanks.


As far as I recall, it is not possible to go back to a previous version of a
file once it has been converted to the new version.


Steph said:
Talk about planned obsolescence!

You would think that at least a converter would be available, given the
destructive nature of opening a file in the trial (from a 2003

However, I do want to add that, unlike the rest of Office, moving to OneNote
2007 from OneNote2003 is one that you really might have a reason to
consider. There have been numerous changes that do pay off mechanically,
not just aesthetically

Back to the point at hand, in order to get back your notebooks consider
re-installing the trial and copying/pasting the content between ON 2007 and
ON 2003. You can also save the notebooks in another format in 2007 and pull
that into 2003.

Not making excuses for the lack of planning on Microsoft's part, just trying
to help you get your notebooks back.

Good Luck.


Now I am really getting annoyed! I reinstalled the trial and laboriously
copied each section and page over to 2003. Nonetheless once I closed 2003
and tried to reopen the file, I got the same error msg. They converted to
2007 again. GRrrrr. And no I didn't agree to let them convert in anyway

What's more, every time I open up 2007, it tells me the key is expired and i
have to reinstall it- though I just got the key today.

Anyone know how to solve these issues?

Ps- I hear you about the upgrade. But I work for a non-profit and don't
want to spend the money just for note-taking functionality I use.

Kathy Jacobs

I know that money is tight at non-profits. But I would suggest you look at
OneNote as more than just an expense for note-taking functionality. The time
it saves during the day will more than out weigh the costs. Think about how
much time you can save with the annotations during research, the ability to
share notebooks, the enhanced linking capabilities that come with 2007, the
enhanced flagging, the searching, etc.

If it saves you more than 100 hours of work over the life of the product,
you have more than made up the cost - no matter what your pay! (I find that
people justify the cost very quickly even when they are volunteers.)

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at
or on my blog,

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


So Microsoft's official response to my requests for technical support is "buy
our new product. It's worth the money!"


Steph said:
Now I am really getting annoyed! I reinstalled the trial and laboriously
copied each section and page over to 2003. Nonetheless once I closed 2003
and tried to reopen the file, I got the same error msg. They converted to
2007 again. GRrrrr. And no I didn't agree to let them convert in anyway

Now I am confused - how could a notebook you have open in 2003, only in
2003, convert to 2007?

I suppose what you would really want to do is to open up 2003, create a NEW
notebook, paste it in from 2007 and not ever open again in 2007 trial. This
may be a moot point if you cannot get the 2007 trial to work.



xTenn said:
Now I am confused - how could a notebook you have open in 2003, only in
2003, convert to 2007?

I suppose what you would really want to do is to open up 2003, create a
NEW notebook, paste it in from 2007 and not ever open again in 2007 trial.
This may be a moot point if you cannot get the 2007 trial to work.


I just noticed something - you said you copied the sections over as well,
not just page content. I have not tried it, but mechanically sections are
files, and if you copied the section over itself (not just page content) it
could have copied the physical 2007 files. If this was the case it would
give the message in 2003 without 2007 being involved. If you do it again
copy page content, not sections. Sorry to say.

If you have a lot of pages consider saving as another format in 2007 and
pulling it back in to 2003.

Having fun yet? :(

Kathy Jacobs

I don't work for or speak for MS. I am another user just like you.

In this case, my two cents are: Yes - buy the new product. There is so much
more to OneNote 2007 compared to 2003 that I am surprised you went back.

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at
or on my blog,

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

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