Hi Wendy ,
My name is Michael Noto. Thank you for using the Microsoft Newsgroups.
As I understand, your converted database is read only.
Steps to remove read only on the file:
1. Open windows explorer. (Start, programs, windows explorer.)
2. On the left side, browse to the folder that contains your MDB file and
click it once to select it.
3. On the right side, right click your MDB file and select properties.
4. On the General tab, near the bottom, we see the Attributes. Remove the
check from the read only check box if it is checked.
Or create a new database and import all objects. There may be refernces
missing if you do these steps and the startup options are not imported.
Import all objects from your old database.
Follow these steps:
1. With Access open, click File, New
2. Select database on the General Tab and click OK
3. Select location and a better name then db1, db2, etc. Click Create
4. We now have an empty database container. So we click File, Get External
Data, Import
5. The Import Objects window appears
6. We want to click 'Select all' for each Tab (Tables, Queries, Forms,
Etc..) then click OK.
7. There may be missing refernces if you do these steps.
Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.x
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Office 9.0 Object Library
For more information:
Q197110 - ACC2000: References to Set When Working with Microsoft Access
Q248941 - ACC2000: How Access 2000 Resolves VBA References
Q208218 - ACC2000: VBA Functions Break in Database with Missing References
I hope this helps! If you have additional questions on this topic, please
reply to this posting.
Michael Noto
Microsoft IIS Support
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From: "Wendy" <
[email protected]>
Subject: read only attribute
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 11:45:28 -0800
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.access.conversion
I am trying to convert a 97 mdb file to a 2000 mdb...how
do I convert it to NOT be a "read-only" file?
thank you thank you!