Read-Only Message


Elmer Miller

I have a strange problem that's been bugging me for a while and I hope
someone here will be able to supply some insight:

I am using SQLXML3.0 and an XPath template query to dynamically generate
InfoPath forms. This works well, but has a small problem. When I open a form
this way from a machine on the network (not local web server) I get the
following warning message:

Microsoft Office InfoPath

This form cannot be filled out, either because you do not have adequate
permissions, another user has the form open, or the form is open in another

Do you want to open a read-only version of this form?


If I say Yes, then the form opens correctly. It says it is Read-Only at the
top of the form, but it allows me to edit and submit the form OK, so it is
not really read-only. I have already disabled the Save/Save-as capability of
the form because I am requiring forms to be submitted to a web service
(where the data is extracted and put back into sql). I would like to get rid
of the anoying warning message. One other detail about this is the fact that
this message doesn't occur when opening the form on the web server local
machine, but only when opening from another machine on the network. I don't
know why that should be a factor, but it is.

Perry Faulkner

Hi Elmer,

Yes I complained about this annoying 'feature' ages ago.
My application has had it since day one!

Unfortunately the MS developers have this design-centric
view of forms and it is saying the form (template) cannot
be modified, or re-designed if you like, as it is coming
from a web-server and IP has no mechanism for saving the
template back to that web server.

It isn't the slightest bit interested in your form
content, that's secondary. It's similar to a published
form coming up in design-mode by default.

This is just one IP feature I've been battling to find a
work-around for.

I really think these MS people should get out more often!


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