Read only pages


Juerg Herren

I find the password protection (together with the encryption) of
sections a very useful feature. This allows me to store sensitive
information like passwords or credit card numbers.

What I find lacking, however, is a kind of "lock" for pages containing
such information. Since it's very easy to take notes with OneNote,
it's also easy to inadvertently alter information on a page. That can
be very inconvenient with important sensitve data.

It would be nice to have a possibility to lock pages as "read only",
thus making it impossible to overwrite or change the data until the
page is unlocked again.


Grant Robertson

It would be nice to have a possibility to lock pages as "read only",
thus making it impossible to overwrite or change the data until the
page is unlocked again.

As far as I know you can only do it at the section level. You will have
to move the sensitive pages to their own section. A quick way to get
access to the file attributes of the currently displayed section is to
choose {File / Save As} then right click on the name of the section in
the file list. You will get the standard Windows Explorer context menu
and can change the properties right there.

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