"Read-only" Shape Data



Is it possible to make a Custom Properties/Shape Data field read-only? I
don't want to make it invisible (that's easy to do). Instead I want it to
appear on the Shape Data menu but not allow the user to change it.

David Parker

There are two ways to achieve this:

1. Make the property type=1, and make the formula in the Format cell
This means that you get a pull down list with only one value - so it is
impossible to change it

2. Guard the value. eg put =GUARD("MyValue") in Prop.MyProperty.Value cell
The user will be able to overtype, but the orginal value will be restored
when the property is exited

I like #1 usually because the user does not think that it can be changed and
it should work with Link Data to Shapes


Thanks, David. I like #1 also as it doesn't "mislead" the customer. Technique
#2 lets them think they've made a change, only to discover later that they
haven't. That tends to make them think the product is broken rather than that
the field is read-only.


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