Read only tables


Keefy Boy

I have an access database looking at SQL tables. Some of
the linked tables seem to be read only, but if I open the
SQL table I can insert/delete eetc.

How do I make table object read/write?

Ron Weiner

All rights to "read/write" (add/edit/delete records) are controlled by Sql
Server. Sql enforces the security based on the Sql user specified in ODBC
connection that was used to link the tables to your access database. So
depending on the type of access you are using to get to Sql (NT
Authentication, or Sql User) you will need to adjust the security settings

However if you are attempting to alter/add/delete the fields in linked
tables (changing the database schema) from an Access MDB using the Access UI
you are outa' luck. Cant do that from an MDB.

You could write some Sql DDL and use an Access PassThru query to do this
kind of stuff, assuming again that the user specified in your ODBC
connection string has adequate Sql rights to do Alter the table.

Ron W

Alex Dybenko

Make sure you have a primary key for every table, and in case you have a
text field in a tsble - add a timestamp field to it

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