Read Receipts Rule HELP...


miss office

Ok - using Outlook 2003...When I set up my tracking options I chose for it to
process read receipts upon arrival and move them to a specific folder. When
that didn't work - I created a rule to move all items with "read:" in the
subject to that folder. That works maybe 2 out of 10 times. How can I get
this to work so that my Inbox isn't cluttered with read receipts? And why
would it work sometimes...but not all the time?

Jason Spence

Weird, I have a rule that says the following:

Apply this rule after the message arrives with Read: in the subject or body
move it to the Read: Messages folder

I have never had problems with it not working.

miss office

AND if I go to rules and choose "run rule now" it works...does anyone know
why it wouldn't work automatically?

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