Read receipts


David French

I have a user that is apparently not receiving Read Receipts from any
internal user.
Her settings are properly set to request a Reac Receipt but still when she
sends a message the receipt does not come back.

Anyone have an idea as to why?

Dave French


Are the people accepting the read reciepts? Have her send one to you and
click yes for the read receipt return. I have many users here that refuse to
to say yes to send a reciept back.

David French

I think there may be one problem with that.
If they have said "Don't send a receipt" and checked off "Don't show this
message again" i'm not sure if there's a way to reverse that and allow
sending of receipts again. I would think there should be but I don't know
where it is.

Dave French


In 2003 go to:
On the preferences tab choose email options
Then choose tracking options
There choose if you want notification, or always send, or never send receipt.

David French

That claims to only be for Internet Mail Accounts.
Would that be for everyone?



I belive so. I just tested mine and it works okay.
If you're using Exchange maybe it's different...I have zero experience with

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

What version of Outlook do the recipients use? Do you have spam filters -
rules deleting mail with blank from fields?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
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Martin Qiu [MSFT]

Hello David,

Thank you for posting here!

According to your description, I understand this issue to be as follows:

The user does not receive any Read Receipt although he has selected the
"request Read Receipt" in Outlook Tracking Options.

If I have misunderstood your concern, please let me know.

Firstly, I would like to explain that the basic principle of the message
tracking. You will not 100 sure that you can receive the Read Receipt
although you already select the "request Read Receipt" in Outlook Tracking
Options, because it's up to your recipients to let you know or not. Your
recipients have the options to send a read receipt whenever it's requested,
to never send one, or to decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether or not to
send one. So, it is common that you have not received any Read Receipt. For
more detailed information, please refer to the following article:

Read receipts and the people who need them

In the meantime, please note that Outlook states that the read receipt
tracking options only apply to Internet Mail accounts, which work
consistently based on configured settings. The tracking options are not
guaranteed to work when opening messages from the Exchange Server account.
For more detailed information, please refer to the following Knowledge Base

280936 OL2002: Text Under 'Tracking Options' Indicates That Response to

Therefore, as to the current status, please firstly double confirm whether
the user can receive the Read Receipt when he sends email to the external
recipient via POP3 account and then specific recipient has sent a respond.
If the issue persists, please obtain the following information for further
investigation. Your patience is appreciated!

1. Please double confirm whether the specific user cannot receive any Read
Receipt sent to any recipient.

2. Please let me know the exact version of Outlook the problematic user is
currently using.

3. Please let me know the exact version of Windows System the problematic
user is currently using.

I hope the information above is useful. Have a nice day!


Martin Qiu
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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I'm having the exact same problem as the user to which you sent this
response and I'll reply to your questions below, in hopes that I can resolve
the issue as well. To sum up, I'm using Outlook XP on a Windows XP
professional operation system.

I used to receive "Read" and "Delivered" receipts without a problem.
However, I tested it by sending e-mail to myself and even though I check
"Send Read Receipt" when prompted, the read receipt never arrives.

It isn't an ISP SMTP server issue, since receipts get sent and received fine
when I do it from Outlook Express. It's only Outlook XP where the receipts
are never received (even though it still gives the prompt when I send to
myself that "Sender has requested a read receipt. Do you want to send one?"
So obviously at least the REQUEST for a receipt is being properly sent. It's
just that they are never coming back anymore.

I've even tried re-installing Office XP and that hasn't helped either. One
clue that may or may not be significant is that I temporarily had the trial
version of Office 2003 installed and then decided not to pay for the upgrade,
instead uninstalling Office 2003 and reverting back to Office XP. The "read
receipt" problem appears to have coincided with the timeframe of when I
uninstalled the Office 2003 trial version and I've never been able to get it
to work in Office XP again.

Remaining answers to your questions are below.

Therefore, as to the current status, please firstly double confirm whether
the user can receive the Read Receipt when he sends email to the external
recipient via POP3 account and then specific recipient has sent a respond.
If the issue persists, please obtain the following information for further
investigation. Your patience is appreciated!

1. Please double confirm whether the specific user cannot receive any Read
Receipt sent to any recipient.
*********This has been confirmed. Specific user cannot receive any Read
Receipt sent to any recipient.
2. Please let me know the exact version of Outlook the problematic user is
currently using. ************Outlook XP

3. Please let me know the exact version of Windows System the problematic
user is currently using.
******Windows XP Professional.

Any help you could provide would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!


Martin Qiu [MSFT]

Hi Elton,

It is nice to meet you here.

I do understand that you have encountered the similar Read Receipt issue as
we discussed before. However, since the similar issues may be caused by
different potential factors, please feel free to post a new post in our
newsgroups. This clarifies the issue as well as makes sure our
troubleshooting steps are accurate, and other partners who visit the
newsgroups regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your
interaction with us.

Your understanding is appreciated!


Martin Qiu
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
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This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Martin Qiu [MSFT]

Hi Ron,

It is always our pleasure to be of assistance. Have a nice day!


Martin Qiu
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
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