READ THIS UPDATED POSTING: Problem using fill with formulas



(Previous posting contained an error in the formula.)

I have a column. I want to fill in the formula from B1 all the way
down to B200. I select B1 and drag my mouse down to B200 and select
Fill Down. The formula is inserted in every cell. However, I have:


when I want the second instance to be:


In other words, I want the first cell reference (A) to change, but not
the cell references in the yahoo.xls worksheet. Because they are
changing, I need to go in and manually change the references to
$A1:$H200. I am a newbie, so apologize. This must be a naive question.
Can someone point me to information on this? Also, is there a way to
do a mass search and replace to change all instances of a formula?

Thanks for any help.

Bill Kuunders

Question 1
note the extra $ signs

Question 2
edit and replace?

Bill K

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