Tran Hong Quang
I'd would like to read whole rich text format file (small file created in Ms Word) into a string variable, the code look like this
Dim intFileHander as intege
Dim strFileName as strin
Dim strContent as strin
intFileHandler = FreeFil
Open strFileName For Output As intFileHandle
Input #intFileHandler, strConten
Debug.print strContent
Close #intFileHandle
Actually, strContent is storing only a first part of the input file. How can I read all content of my file into variable strContent
Tran Hong Quang
I'd would like to read whole rich text format file (small file created in Ms Word) into a string variable, the code look like this
Dim intFileHander as intege
Dim strFileName as strin
Dim strContent as strin
intFileHandler = FreeFil
Open strFileName For Output As intFileHandle
Input #intFileHandler, strConten
Debug.print strContent
Close #intFileHandle
Actually, strContent is storing only a first part of the input file. How can I read all content of my file into variable strContent
Tran Hong Quang