Readin OLE Objects into DISK



I have to read the OLE Object from Access Database and
store them as image in the Hard Disk. I am able to save
them as JPEG's or BMP's, using the method below.
But my problem is i am not able to open the file once
saved. What am i missing in this code.It is very urgent.
Any help on this regard will be appreciated

lngBytesLeft = rsData.Fields(j).ActualSize
intFreeFile = FreeFile
Open strFullPath For Binary As #intFreeFile
Do Until lngBytesLeft <= 0
lngReadBytes = lngBytesLeft
If lngReadBytes > lngChunkSize Then
lngReadBytes = lngChunkSize
End If
byBuffer = rsData.Fields(j).GetChunk(lngReadBytes)
Put #intFreeFile, , byBuffer
lngBytesLeft = lngBytesLeft - lngReadBytes
Close #intFreeFile

John Nurick

Hi Deepak,

This code writes the contents of the OLE field to disk - complete with
what we can loosely call an OLE wrapper used by Windows. You need to
extract the original document from the packaging.

The official way of doing this seems to be
1) use a BoundObjectFrame control on a form
2) write VBA code to step through the form's recordset and, for each
3) tell the control to activate the embedded object (in its parent
4) automate the parent application to save the file.

There's antiquated code (Access 95/Word 6) at;en-us;132003&Product=acc
showing the general idea.

For more elegant approaches, see

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