reading a range name as part of Save-as file



Earlier this month, I was given the code shown below to perform a
Save-as to create a new file name. Upon running this on 12/27/05, the
new name would be Staging List 12-27-05.xls
This worked fine for the file I'm using it in.

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
Filename:="Staging List " & Format(Now, "mm-dd-yy") & ".xls", _

I have a different file that I would like to use this in. But, I want
to alter this code so that instead of using the default date based on
the computer clock, I would like it to read the named range

I've been playing around with this for awhile. I've replaced Now with
"Current_Date" , but that didn't work. Maybe someone here can come up
with the correct coding. Assume the 1st part of the file name as shown
above, Staging List, will remain the same.... I'll change that to the
actual beginning of the file name when I enter the coding.


Leith Ross

Hello J.O.

You didn't give an example of what code you did try. Did you try what
have below? Let me know

Filename:="Staging List " & Format(Range("Current_Date").Value
"mm-dd-yy") & ".xls",

Leith Ros

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