Reading a word doc with nested tables from Powerpoint VBA




using 2003, Word develper very new to Powerpoint

I have an index document in Word that contains nested tables about
three deep.

I have a macro that I successfully use in word which reads this index
document and builds a custom client menu in Word.

I have been trying to do a similar thing in Powerpoint, and used my
Word code as a starting point, and read the same index document but it
seems to balk at reading the word doc's nested tables?

I can see that the CommandBar object is the same as Word's, but is
there anything I need to know before going further down this track?

This is one of my deliverables and its due in 2 days, so any help or
suggestions would appreciated.

Maybe I should try and build it from Word VBA????


Sorry about that! Steve.

I have since modified my Word code (which reads the Word document with
the nested table) to develop the custom menu in Powerpoint, and
generated the menu ok.

It'll be easier for the administrator as well to generate the changed
menus for Word, Powerpoint and Excel at the same time, rather than
generating them in each individual application.

That's where I was at this morning, before reading your posts!

My plan was to generate the menu, and then save it as an addin and load
it. But I understand from what I read yesterday, and my trial this
morning, that the addin needs to be manually loaded on each machine.
The Novel administrator seems to think that can be handled in some way.
Not the elegant deployment I was going for, but close.

Otherwise I will have to, as you say over here in powerpoint land,
generate the menus and toolbars on the fly from the addin - but that
opens another can of worms! I will have to go back now and sort out
the nested table problem, as you imply, Powerpoint shouldn't have a
problem with them.

The toolbar needs to have the same button pics as Word and Excel
toolbars, and I created these in Word via the customize dialogue, is it
possible to save these as individual FaceId's that can then be applied
to the powerpoint addin toolbar?

I'll be back with the code if I have to go down that path (unless you
are wanting to see it for you own benefit).

Thank you for your generosity Steve and if you ever need help with Word
please don't hesitate to ask - I'm usually available via the Word-PC
group (unless I'm working flat out like now!).

kind regards


Steve Rindsberg said:
oops, did I imply anything about nested tables in Word or PPT? I didn't mean
to, since I'm not especially clueful about either. ;-)

Alright - hopefully I won't have to cross that bridge soon.
No ... FaceIDs apply to the button face images supplied by Office. As far as I
know, you can't roll your own. But you can open a presentation, paste them in
from the clipboard or insert them from an image file, copy them, use .PasteFace
to put them on the button faces then close the temporary presentation. Or if
you know a cleaner way of putting the images on the clipboard, it should work
I thought it was something like that. Thanks for the tip. It would
be so much easier if we could just save them, export them, and call
them when required!

Ta ... I keep an eye on that group too, when time permits. Lots of good code
to be stole.... er ... borrowed from over there.
That's what it's there for; Steve Hudson who supplies most of the
juicy code is very generous.

Thanks again

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