Reading binary file



Can anybody help reading the above three binary file in excel through a
vba? The following macro reads the first file but not through Excel
VBA, it reads to Visual Basic.

Can anybody understand the logic of the below code and convert into
Excel macro?

Option Explicit

Private Type TREC
No As Integer
D As Integer
M As Integer
Y As Integer
Numbers(1 To 10) As Integer
End Type

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Const Fle$ = "c:\t\t.rtl"
Dim B(1 To 28) As Byte
Dim Channel%, L9&, L8&, Max&
Dim Rec As TREC


Channel = FreeFile
Open Fle For Binary Access Read As Channel
' Get 4 byte header - No of lines
Get #Channel, 1, Max&
Me.Print Max
' --- Now the 28 byte records
For L9 = 1 To 10
Get #Channel, , Rec
Disp Rec.No
Disp Rec.D
Disp Rec.M
Me.CurrentX = Me.CurrentX + TextWidth("XX")
Disp Rec.Y
For L8 = 1 To 10
Disp Rec.Numbers(L8)
Me.Print ""

Close #Channel
End Sub

Private Sub Disp(N%)
Dim S$
S$ = Trim$(N)
Me.CurrentX = Me.CurrentX + TextWidth("XXX") _
- TextWidth(S$)
Me.Print S$;
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.AutoRedraw = True
Me.Width = Screen.Width * 0.75
End Sub

Tim Williams

This worked for me


Private Type TREC
No As Integer
D As Integer
M As Integer
Y As Integer
Numbers(1 To 10) As Integer
End Type

Private Sub Tester()
Const Fle$ = "U:\desktop\templotto.rtl"
Dim B(1 To 28) As Byte
Dim Channel%, L9&, L8&, Max&
Dim Rec As TREC

Channel = FreeFile
Open Fle For Binary Access Read As Channel
' Get 4 byte header - No of lines
Get #Channel, 1, Max&
Debug.Print Max
' --- Now the 28 byte records
For L9 = 1 To 10
Get #Channel, , Rec
Disp Rec
Debug.Print ""

Close #Channel
End Sub

Private Sub Disp(Rec As TREC)
Dim L8 As Integer
Debug.Print "----Record------------"
Debug.Print "No: " & Rec.No
Debug.Print "D: " & Rec.D
Debug.Print "M: " & Rec.M
Debug.Print "Y: " & Rec.Y
For L8 = 1 To 10
Debug.Print "Num " & L8 & ": " & _
End Sub


Information stored in these .rtl files are like these:

For INDSuperlotto.rtl :
00001 28 03 2002: 14 21 22 29 39 43
00002 04 04 2002: 07 24 27 28 29 47

For INDThunderball.rtl :
00001 07 09 2004: 12 16 21 30 31 TB 03
00002 14 09 2004: 17 18 30 39 42 TB 04

For INDFast.rtl :
00001 01 09 2004: 05 06 10 13 30
00002 02 09 2004: 07 08 23 24 31

I have included first and second records in each files. There are too
many that I want to decode

Instead of Debug.Print, can I get the output in excel cells in the
above format?

Tim Williams

What I posted should be enough get you started.

If you have *no* VB or VBA knowledge and are looking for someone to provide a full solution, then you might be better off just
paying $25 for the sofware...


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