Reading Button status



When you close a form it shows a dialog box that says "Do You Want To Save
Changes" with Yes No and Cancel Buttons. How do you check which button is
clicked. I can do this with a dialog box that I generate(e.g. msgbox()) but
not with system dialog boxes.

Thanks in advance

Jim Vierra

Sorry about the last answer. I was doing something else and forgot what I
was reading. Hit send and - bang - realized I missed the point.

What application is the form being closed in? Obviously you have changed
the form in some way so you must catch the updated or "on close" event.

In Access you would catch teh before update and after update evebts or catch
it on the dataset. The return from the event determine the outcome.

If you are in a form designer then you can't catch it. It may be catchable
in some applications like Outlook but you have to programatically open the
form in design mode and handle the event in other ways.

It would be more helpfull if we had more info.

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