reading line from table cell into array


Robert Secon


I want to read a line from a table cell into an array. Just can not figure
out how to read the lines into arrays.

This is what I´ve got so far from

Sub WordTabelleNachEindimensionalenArray1()
Dim x() As String
Dim oTable As Table, Zelle As Cell If ActiveDocument.Tables.Count = 0
MsgBox "Das Dokument enthält keine Tabelle.", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If Set oTable = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
ReDim x(1 To oTable.Range.Cells.Count)
i = 0 'Oder auch -1, wenn der Array bei "0" beginnen soll
For Each Zelle In oTable.Range.Cells
i = i + 1
strText = Zelle.Range.Text
x(i) = Left(strText, Len(strText) - 2)
Next Zelle
End Sub
I can save the whole cell into the array, but not just one line. How should
this be changed?

Thanks in advance for every help


Helmut Weber

Hi Rob,

I don't think this will hardly work without using the selection.

Before I code something to work with a variety of lines,
I'd like to know, whether you need always the same line,
lets say line(2), how may lines there are in the cells,
whether in each cell in the same number of lines,
and whether the line you need can be the last line in a cell.
Do lines wrap automatically or do You use linefeed or
paragraph marks to enforce wrapping?

Helmut Weber MVP Word VBA

Helmut Weber

Now I see you've multiposted not only to VBA,
but to to tables and beginners as well.
If you are a beginner, then I'd like to ask what
you mean by "line". Precisely speaking, a tables consists
of rows and columns, which make up the cells.
A cell may contain one or more lines, which are
a bit more difficult to access than just cells in a row.

And better avoid multiposting.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA
"red.sys" & chr(64) & ""
Word 2002, Windows 2000

jay M

Sorry, I don't fully understand your goal:
Do you have more than one line of text in a cell, and you want to
seperate them?
Or, do you want to read the contents of just one row of cells into an
array, or ??

Robert Secon

Helmut Weber said:
Hi Rob,

I don't think this will hardly work without using the selection.

Before I code something to work with a variety of lines,
I'd like to know, whether you need always the same line,
lets say line(2), how may lines there are in the cells,
whether in each cell in the same number of lines,
and whether the line you need can be the last line in a cell.

There is no regularity in the cells. For instance, you can have just three
lines in one cell, but in another there are 6 lines, depending on the
written data. Did I understand this right?
Do lines wrap automatically or do You use linefeed or
paragraph marks to enforce wrapping?

There are linefeeds seperating the lines.

Hope this helps us out


Robert Secon

Hi Jay
Sorry, I don't fully understand your goal:
Do you have more than one line of text in a cell, and you want to
seperate them?

That´s right. My final goal is to seperate the lines, wirte them into an
array, and then export it into an excel sheet. That´s why I want to do this.
Or, do you want to read the contents of just one row of cells into an
array, or ??

Hm, can´t figure out what this means. In one cell I have some lines, and
each of it should be written into an array to export them later into excel.

Do you know what I mean right now?

Helmut Weber

Hi Robert,
Sorry for this, thought that multiposting would be recommended if it fits
into more than one category.

Hmm, well, with so many groups it sure is confusing.
At least vba.beginners and VBA.general are mutually exclusive,
In the end, there is not much logic in the way,
all these groups are set up, IMHO.

See my answer in ...word.vba.general.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

jay M

*** so you look at the contents of each cell, and:
for all cells in o_table
if (contents of cell is what I want) then
[split cell text at line breaks, put each line into
seperate variable]
[check next cell]
end if
next cell

**** right?


oops- I should have looked at the responses above- they didn't appear
in the word_tables forum where I found the question!
I tend to forget the "split" function (not to confuse with any of the
other 'split' operators)
- the above is a nice example.

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