Anyone knows if I can read members properties from the OWC pivot?
I am trying to build filter tool that filters a dimension level based
on property value.
So far I only managed to read the members' property values with ADOMD,
and with that to build the "includedmembers", but it takes real long
on a 100k members (on the forth and last) level.
I don't want to do it with mdx, I want to give the option to filter on
existing views.
Anyone knows if I can read members properties from the OWC pivot?
I am trying to build filter tool that filters a dimension level based
on property value.
So far I only managed to read the members' property values with ADOMD,
and with that to build the "includedmembers", but it takes real long
on a 100k members (on the forth and last) level.
I don't want to do it with mdx, I want to give the option to filter on
existing views.