Reading messages on server and contact manager with mail applicati



Hi all

I just purchase Office 2K which includes the Outlook program and small
business applications. I'm running Win98SE and converting from Office 97.
The only exposure I have to MS realted mail is Outlook Express which I don't

First, I have been using Express Plus mail program which is excellent but
lacks the ability to make notes on the indvidual emails to tell me what I
have done related to it or need to do. My email is sales related and I need
to be able to look at an email that I have read and see if I have made notes
about it and go view them. IE. if a mail comes in and I need to call them at
a future date, or place them in a particular lead area with notes about
specific requirements, etc, then I need to be able to see that and go to it.
I hope that made sense somewhat. It would be like linking an email program
with a contact management and to do list, appt list, etc program.

Express + has the ability to go view the emails on the various servers,
delete the ones I don't want and then download the rest (I have 9 addresses
on 3 different servers/providers). I don't see that in Outlook Express. Is
Outlook mail different, does it have this capability?

Is there an import function to Outlook/the contact manager/the mail program
where I could bring my mail and contacts over from a different formatted

Thanks for the assist. Note I havn't installed Office 2K yet until I do a
bit more research.



Just curious, why would they include it in the 2K pacakage if it won't work
until a product that is 3 years away? Does the ability to flag emails with
the purpose of making notes about them, adding a todo or appt for call back
etc exist. I.E can Outlook be used as the mail program and be directly
linked to the contact manager as described?


I don't know how you got that package. According to the Microsoft web
site BCM is only available with Office 2003 Pro and Small Business
Edition. You should exchange your package for a Office 2003 box with
your merchant.

Bob Cooley [MSFT]

Hi Mike,

You are getting BCM confused with the Small Business Customer Manager add-in
that came with Office 2000. This add-in added functionality for financial
data to be included in Outlook and has nothing to do with BCM. Outlook can
do all of the things you mentioned without SBCM or BCM (flag emails, make
notes, task list, appointments, etc.). You can either go ahead and install
Office 2000 or you can purchase Office 2003 to get the improved
functionality that comes with BCM.

Note: BCM only comes in two Office 2003 Suites - Office Professional and
Office Small Business Edition.


Bob Cooley, [MSFT]

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