Reading multiple documents' word count




I have a folder with about 20 word documents and I would
like to find out how many words are in all of the documents
combined w/out referencing to each file explicty i.e 1.doc
2.doc rather something to the extent of *.doc .
I hope you know what it is that I'm trying to say
and output this to anywhere msgbox or a text file or write
it to the active document.

Thank You,

Word Heretic

G'day "Cpudenusa" <[email protected]>,

you will need to use batch to do this, the skeleton code for which can
be found on the site.

Cpudenusa said:

I have a folder with about 20 word documents and I would
like to find out how many words are in all of the documents
combined w/out referencing to each file explicty i.e 1.doc
2.doc rather something to the extent of *.doc .
I hope you know what it is that I'm trying to say
and output this to anywhere msgbox or a text file or write
it to the active document.

Thank You,

Steve Hudson

Word Heretic, Sydney, Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words for you.
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