Reading my Access database before tomorrow


Lin DeNoyer

I am so mad at microsoft right now! They just told me - 10 days after I
placed my order for an upgrade to Office 2003 Pro - that they canceled the
order because the credit card info didn't match the shipping info. (It did
match, unless I made an error entering the credit card number on line! But
they had my phone number, and email address, so 10 days is no excuse.)

Now I am in a bind, and so asking for help. Is there any program that will
let me read an Access database?

I need to do this before tomorrow. Tomorrow I meet with a group of
students who are doing a Java project. They will take an Access database
(and accompanying code that processes it) into Java. I need to be able to
read the database and display it completely, so that the students can see
the structure of the database.

Suggestions? (I thought of downloading a trial copy of Access, but
Microsoft doesn't allow that. I thought of going to a store and buying a
copy of Access, but I am so mad right now I refuse to shell out the $$$)

Is there a free DB program that will read my Access database? Or is there
an alternative to Access that I might prefer, given my recent experience
with Microsoft?

Thank you for any suggestions or help,
Lin DeNoyer

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