Reading Oracle


Nathan Guill

Does anyone know how I could read an Oracle database in Access using only
the knowledge a front-end user would see? Instead of recreating tables by
exporting data from Oracle every so often, I would much rather my database
read that data directly, unfortuneatly, my IT department is of no help and
does not want to integrate our CAD (access) database into Oracle.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Michel Walsh


Access, and probably Oracle too, can support heterogeneous tables through
the "linked table" (Access terminology) feature. Oracle may have another
utility/expression for the same functionality. As example, with MS SQL
Server, you can use sp_addlinkedserver and OPENQUERY, or, for occasional

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Nathan Guill

Is there a way to cycle through the tables until I found the correct one
based on the title of the table? i.e. I am looking at the table called
"Master Item", I don't know if this is the name of the table as well as the
caption. Does this make sense?

Michel Walsh


It should be possible, reading through system table or supplied stored
procedure. I am not familiar with Oracle.

Vanderghast, Access MVP

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