real estate


Erick Solms

I am doing a database. I want to go back and see which realtors have sold
what, the clients, be able to get all birthdays from her clients to keep in
touch with them, see how much money in commisions the office has made, etc...

I have tried to do an normalization on the data.I divided the data into 4
tables. For some reason I think I can improve it and that I am doing
something wrong. The client tables has the PK of a client id which is the
social, the realtor table has as a PK the social of the realtor. Now the
problem comes when linking and making the property and rental tables. The
problem is that I dont know what to make the primary key in the property
tables or rental tables. Each property only has one MLS which is the ID of
the property that was put on the realtors system. That is not hard, what
makes it hard is that each MLS can have different owners, so each property or
rental can have different client ID's. In other words each property has one
MLS, each client has one and only one client ID, each realtor has one and
only one Realtor ID, each rental has one and only one mls number, each
property can have two realtors from the office in the same MLS, and each
property can have different owners, so the PK can not be the MLS number. That
is the confusing part, please help me out, thanks for your time and patience,

Pat Hartman\(MVP\)

When you have a many-to-many relationship, you need three tables to
represent the relationship. The two obvious tables plus a third table
sometimes called a relation or junction table. The relation table contains
the primary keys of both other tables:

ClientPropertyID (autonumber primary key)
ClientID (foreign key to the Client table)
PropertyID (foreign key to the Property table)

Jeff Boyce


Already answered in another newsgroup.

And here I see that other folks have already answered your post, too.

Posting the same question in multiple newsgroups means that folks who could
be helping others needlessly duplicate a response and lose the time to work
on responding to others' questions.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

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