Real Interesting Question - Virus Maybe?



I have a user that let me know he is getting bounce back notices of
emails he never sent. I checked his machine and there are no viruses found
(Norton Corporate using the latest definition files). Has anyone ever
gotten this happening to them and what was found to be the issue? No one
Remote Desktops his system, no one sits at this system and sends emails
while he is away etc... etc... there isn't even a record in his Sent Items
folder of it yet he gets the bounce notice periodically.

Any response would be greatly appreciated -

Peter Foldes

This is happening most likely because someone that has your friends email ady in their computer are infected. This will stop as soon as this person cleans out their computer from malware

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

No it won't - spammers have the address and it has circulated widely.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, Peter Foldes asked:

| This is happening most likely because someone that has your friends
| email ady in their computer are infected. This will stop as soon as
| this person cleans out their computer from malware
| || I have a user that let me know he is getting bounce back notices
|| of emails he never sent. I checked his machine and there are no
|| viruses found (Norton Corporate using the latest definition files).
|| Has anyone ever gotten this happening to them and what was found to
|| be the issue? No one Remote Desktops his system, no one sits at
|| this system and sends emails while he is away etc... etc... there
|| isn't even a record in his Sent Items folder of it yet he gets the
|| bounce notice periodically.
|| Any response would be greatly appreciated -
|| Jon

N. Miller

I have a user that let me know he is getting bounce back notices of
emails he never sent. I checked his machine and there are no viruses found
(Norton Corporate using the latest definition files). Has anyone ever
gotten this happening to them and what was found to be the issue? No one
Remote Desktops his system, no one sits at this system and sends emails
while he is away etc... etc... there isn't even a record in his Sent Items
folder of it yet he gets the bounce notice periodically.

Any response would be greatly appreciated -

The most common cause is that the spammer has your user's email address, and
is using it as the "MAIL FROM:" email address in the spam. There are
misconfigured gateway mail servers out there, which will accept all incoming
email, then attempt to determine if it is undeliverable, and "bounce"
undeliverable email to the Return-Path email address (which is the SMTP
"MAIL FROM:" email address).


Thank you all for your Replies. It opens up my eyes on the reasons for
this. Once again it looks like it's due to a bunch of problem children in
the world.

Thanks again for the information -

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