real state - Brazil


Real State

We have some property venda in Brazil, located Vitória-es (Espirito Santo)
and Guarapari, in the Blue Cove, Houses, apartments, property in the plant..
t comes to know this piece of the paradise!
it wants an apartment in the beach?
Vitória-es, Guarapari-es, Blue Cove.

Rudi Groenewald

I believe the problem you are experiencing is due to your sqlsrv.exe file
which is corrupt.

What I suggest is, delete the BlueCove.dll file in your Brazil directory and
move over to another news feed which has nothing to do with Sql server or

If all else fails you can reinstall your OS

This is a SQL SERVER this has to do with DATA not selling property on a news
feed....If we were looking for property we wouldve be subscribed to the
property newsfeeds.

PLEASE I beg you, post to the correct feeds... I don't want to read ur ads,
I want to read solutions to my problems, and you are messing up the vibe in


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