Real time clock



I have this code to display a real-time clock on a worksheet. However if I do
anything else with in the workbook or worksheet such as type in a cell i get
an error message "application defined or error defined error". How do I get
rid of this problem?

Function GetRealDate() As Date

Dim ieApp As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim strTime As String
Dim strHour As String
Dim strMinute As String
Dim strSecond As String
Dim lFirstCom As Long

Const sURL = ""
Const lElement As Long = 36

Set ieApp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

ieApp.navigate sURL

Loop Until ieApp.ReadyState = ieREADYSTATE_COMPLETE

strTime = Left(ieApp.Document.all(lElement).innertext, 40)

'store hour
strHour = Left(strTime, 2)

If Right(strHour, 1) = ":" Then
strHour = Left(strTime, 1)
End If

'store minute
strMinute = Mid(strTime, 4, 2)

'store second
'strSecond = Mid(strTime, 7, 2)

Sheets("Actual").Range("I2").Value = strHour

Sheets("Actual").Range("J2").Value = strMinute

'Range("C1").Value = strSecond

End Function

Gary''s Student

1. the app must be a sub, not a function. A function can't change aribtrary
cell in the worksheet

2. make sure you have loaded any required Library References

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