Hi All, Appologies if this is a real no-brainer... I've had zero training
in Office or VB .. all self taught, and frankly it's not a natural talent ...
I started a project that consists of a userForm, two modules, and a toolbar
button for the macro. Macro opens form, then form and code do some
find-and-replaces. It occured to me that this was all in 'normal' and I
wanted it to only exsist in a particular document. I tried dragging the form
and it's module from Nomal to Project(Doc 1) in the project explorer. THat
did not appear to stick. I then thought I'd just delete the whole thing an
start fropm scratch ... THAT didn't stick. I dragged the form and module
back and deleted them from their original location. I deleted from VBE. I
deleted the main macro from Menu>Tools>Macros. Iv'e edited normal.doc
directly and I've deleted the button from the toolbar... None of it sticks.
That is to say, if I delete stuff it'll be gone untill I open Word again,
then everything magically reapears, fully functional, as though it had never
been deleted...
So the question: How to I REALLY delete a project and it's toolbar button ???
Thanks in advance ) -steve
in Office or VB .. all self taught, and frankly it's not a natural talent ...
I started a project that consists of a userForm, two modules, and a toolbar
button for the macro. Macro opens form, then form and code do some
find-and-replaces. It occured to me that this was all in 'normal' and I
wanted it to only exsist in a particular document. I tried dragging the form
and it's module from Nomal to Project(Doc 1) in the project explorer. THat
did not appear to stick. I then thought I'd just delete the whole thing an
start fropm scratch ... THAT didn't stick. I dragged the form and module
back and deleted them from their original location. I deleted from VBE. I
deleted the main macro from Menu>Tools>Macros. Iv'e edited normal.doc
directly and I've deleted the button from the toolbar... None of it sticks.
That is to say, if I delete stuff it'll be gone untill I open Word again,
then everything magically reapears, fully functional, as though it had never
been deleted...
So the question: How to I REALLY delete a project and it's toolbar button ???
Thanks in advance ) -steve