REALLY deleting a macro and VB project.



Hi All, Appologies if this is a real no-brainer... I've had zero training
in Office or VB .. all self taught, and frankly it's not a natural talent ...

I started a project that consists of a userForm, two modules, and a toolbar
button for the macro. Macro opens form, then form and code do some
find-and-replaces. It occured to me that this was all in 'normal' and I
wanted it to only exsist in a particular document. I tried dragging the form
and it's module from Nomal to Project(Doc 1) in the project explorer. THat
did not appear to stick. I then thought I'd just delete the whole thing an
start fropm scratch ... THAT didn't stick. I dragged the form and module
back and deleted them from their original location. I deleted from VBE. I
deleted the main macro from Menu>Tools>Macros. Iv'e edited normal.doc
directly and I've deleted the button from the toolbar... None of it sticks.
That is to say, if I delete stuff it'll be gone untill I open Word again,
then everything magically reapears, fully functional, as though it had never
been deleted...

So the question: How to I REALLY delete a project and it's toolbar button ???
Thanks in advance :eek:) -steve

Graham Mayor

After making changes to you have to actually save the changes
otherwise they remain there until next time Word calls upon it (following a
restart). You will need to delete the modules and the form from the VBA
editor and ALT+Drag the button off the toolbar (it is better to create
custom toolbars for projects).
If Word is not prompting you to save on closing (or it doesn't do
so automatically) do you have an early version of Acrobat 7 installed - if
so see

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Actaully Graham's reply "partly" answered the question... I clicked "NO" so
that the thread would stay open for now. I had previously tried editing
Normal.doc directly, to no avail. After reading Graham's post I tried making
the changes, then doing 'Save As' Normal.doc in location C .... /Templates/
then Replace Document? = Yes. This DOES seem to have worked for the macro
and the VBA components. The blasted ToolBar button is still reappearing ...
Actually it occured to me that it's not actually on a "ToolBar" but is on the
MenuBar. I tried Customize MenuBar, but the button doesn't even show up from
there. Later I will check out the Adobe article Graham has recommeded.
Also, I have MS Student 07 and there is a Student menu ... not sure if this
matters. Will post if I figure anything out.

THanks for the reply Graham :eek:)

Graham Mayor

As those of us who answer questions do not access via the web but by the
NNTP server directly ( ) all threads remain

You cannot create in that manner. Only Word can create It may superficially seem to work but it is not a proper
implementation of

If you have a menu button that does not appear from tools > customize then
it is probably caused by a corrupt
Ensure that you only have one and that it is in the folder at
tools > options > file locations > user templates (a hidden file by

Rename to normal.old. Then copy any required macros, toolbars etc
from normal.old to using the organizer.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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