Really simple line question...



OK, this is probably the simplest question in the world but its currently driving me mad - how do you automatically straighten out a line with a kink in it? I draw a line between 2 boxes and its not quite straight. All I want is to make that line perfectly smooth and there's probably a hot key but I'm obviously not searching on the right key words. Any ideas? I don't mind if the connected shapes have to be moved to allow the line to straighten as the adjustment should be minimal.

Thanks in advance,


John Marshall, MVP

You could select both shapes and align the shapes based on their centers.

John... Visio MVP

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Andy said:
OK, this is probably the simplest question in the world but its currently
driving me mad - how do you automatically straighten out a line with a kink
in it? I draw a line between 2 boxes and its not quite straight. All I want
is to make that line perfectly smooth and there's probably a hot key but I'm
obviously not searching on the right key words. Any ideas? I don't mind if
the connected shapes have to be moved to allow the line to straighten as the
adjustment should be minimal.

Al Edlund

I just normally select one of the objects at the end of the line and just
nudge it up or down with the arrow keys.
Andy said:
Hi John,

That's certainly a good start but it doesn't work if the connected objects
are each composed of grouped objects. If object A has a box attached to the
top of it then the centre of the object A is taken to be the height of
object A, plus the height of the box on top, all of which is divided by two.
If the object to which A is connected (call it B) is the same size with a
box on top of the same size as that on A then the centre principle will
work. If object B has no box on top and grouped then it will line up offset
from A and the connector will have a larger kink. Is there any way to say
"line up based on the connection points"?

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