Roby said:
Thanks for the info, but in our case I don't think it has to do with
multiple delgates. Since the issue has been happening for months, we
have made sure the execs have only one delegate, and only that
delegate has access to the calendar, and they are set up so that only
the delgate receives meeting responses. So no more than one person
can process meeting requests. Auto-accept is not configured for
niether the organizers, nor any of the recipients.
People have deleted the entire meeting series and recreated a new
recurring meeting series, and at some point this problem will surface
again. In some cases, there is only one invitee (like 1/1 meetings)
and this problem can still occur. I think most of the meetings do
not have an end date, which is not good practice.
I am inclined to think that it may be related to the mobile phones,
like perhaps some sort of sync issue that is placing the meeting back
on the Outlook calendar. But since I cannot reproduce, it makes it
difficult to troubleshoot, though it is a highly visible problem
affecting CEO, CIO, etc. They will show up for meetings that have
been cancelled, or show up for meetings at the wrong time so the
problem is becoming quite critical.
I have opened a ticket with MS. In fact, this company has opened 3
different tickets for this issue but not resolution yet.
Handhelds do pose an interesting issue with calendaring functions. Do the
meetings exist on the handhelds? If they are, I would suggest to delete
them. When I started tt our organization (I'm actually a contractor assigned
to a 5000 user system), there were numerous reports of meetings "falling
off" the calendars. I would laugh and ask them did you look around on the
floor? Seriously, it comes down to a delegate receiving an invite, they
would accept it, the owner would see the invite and think or know they're
delegate accepted it already and delete it. Once deleted, it removes it from
the calendar. Same with handhelds (BBs & WM). I simply tell them accept
everything to avoid the issue.
But the recurring ones can be tricky to sleuth out. I may suggest (not sure
if you've already knew or tried this), select the Calendar, goto View,
Arrange By, Category. Organize them by date or topic and find the offending
ones. They're listed as one item, meaning a recurring meeting is listed as
one item with a start and stop date. Just delete it and put the View back to
Day/Week/Month. I also use this view to help folks delete large attachments
in meetings, which go against their mailbox limits. You would need to add
the Size field to get that.
Good luck!