Rearranging handwritten paragraphs in ON 2007b corrupts them.


Grant Robertson

If I write a series of paragraphs in handwriting then attempt to
rearrange them by dragging the paragraph handles OneNote will totally
hose up the paragraphs. Sometimes it will merge two paragraphs that were
separate. Sometimes it will attach blank space above and/or below a
paragraph that will follow it wherever I move it. This blank space
remains even when it merges the paragraphs together. It just treats that
one line as if if is two or three lines tall with short handwriting. When
you select the handwriting you can see that it is selecting the space
too. It looks just like in Word when you have set a paragraph to have
space before.

Sometimes it will hose up where it thinks words are. I can try to select
one word but the selection box shows up in a different place. Sometimes
it actually separates some words out into separate overlaying text boxes.
But you don't notice this until you try to move the main text box.
Sometimes it will even cause lines to overlap each other even though they
are still considered within the same text box.

Basically, it just corrupts everything so badly that it is worthless.
Naturally, if I can't rearrange paragraphs then what the heck is the
point of doing it on a computer. If I am just going to write once and
never modify it then I could just use paper.


I have the same type problem when I try to do simple outlines with the TIP
tool while outlining. When I press enter at the end of a sentence to start a
new bullet line it jumps to the new line. However, when I write the text on
the TIP tool and insert it jumps to the previous line or sometimes to another
line altogether. I have posted this three times and have not gotten any

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