Christopher Glaeser said:
Thanks! I've watched the Access tutorials several times
regarding table relationships, and the part I'm still missing is the
direction of the arrow head and the many-to-one vs one-to-many. How does
the relationship builder know the link is one-to-one, many-to-one, or
one-to-many? Do the attributes of the table fields affect this?
When you draw the relationship, after that you need to double click on the
join line..and you are given options. Often, the settings of the fields you
are joining will determine this. For example, if you draw the line from the
Parent (main) table tot he child table,a nd the field in the child table has
its index set to "no duplicates", then the join HAS to be a one to
you can't have more then one child record..can you? If the child table
foreign key (that is just a fancy term for a REGULAR field that is used to
RELATE back tot he main table. Remember, the main table has the primary key,
and child tables use PLAIN REGULAR fields...usually a long number type
field. So, child tables don't use, or even requite a primary key field
(however, you usually have one..since if later on..that table needs to have
other tables related..then you will need a primary key).
So, yes..the attributes of the table fields affect this.
Also, often, you can still draw a line for documentation purposes in the
case of lookup tables. In other words, you might have a person and want to
track favorite colors.
you get:
So, for each new favorite color for one person, you would add a new
record to tblListOfFavorColors:
id tblPerson_ID Color
3 2 Red
4 2 Blue
So, in the above, the first field is a autonumber (key) id ..that we really
don't much need. The 2nd tblPerson_ID is the regular long number field that
points back to the key id (autonubmer) field in tblPerson. The above is a
enforced relationship. However, to make data entry MUCH easier, we might
make the above color field a combo box pop up to a table of colors. So, now
we get:
etc. etc.
Now, should we draw a line from tblListOfFavoreColros to the tblColors? We
don't have to. I mean, if you delete one record from
tblListOfFavorateColors..there is no special treatment, or anything we have
to do to tblColors. On the other hand, if we delete a record in tblPerson,
then all related records in tblListOfFavoratecoloros must be deleted that
belong to that one person (else we get orphaned records). However, we are
free to add, or even delete records from tblColors..and this table is not
really related to any of the other tables. It is a just nice list to save
typing during data entry. However, even in that might want to draw
a join line..but no sideways 8 (omega) will appear in the relationships
window, since in effect this is just list we use to save typing..but it does
help developers looking at the relationship windows explain what the table
is for. So, you draw the line...but don't enforce RI.
I also enclosing another post I made on how useful the relationships windows
is...the text follows:
Albert D. Kallal (Access MVP)
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
(e-mail address removed)
If you look at the following screen shot, you can see that most relations
ships are this left join, and RI is enforced.
tblBgroup (booking group) for example may, or may not have payments made
(tblPayments). Thus, you can add a booking group, and NOT have to add child
records. However, full RI is enforced, and you can see the side ways 8
"omega" sign AND THE ARROW HEAD. The simple lookup fields are simply just a
arrow drawn, and no "1", or omega sign exists (tblPayments to tblHowpaid for
example is a simple lookup).
The tables that MUST have a child records can also clearly be seen. If you
go from the tblBgroup to the its parent table, you will see table
tblBooking. You can easily see that there is a 1 to many here also, but NO
ARROW head exists. Thus, when I create a booking, my designs will ALWAYS
ASSUME that a child records in tblBgroup (booking group) will exist (ie: I
must code, and assume that when I add a tblBookin records, my code also
assumes that a tblBGroup will also have to be added).
So, the ER diagram can convey a lot about your designs. Down the road, I can
now look at that diagram, and when writing code, I will know if the design
can, and does assume if child records are required. If you look at that
table, it is VERY RARE that I require the child record. That application has
about 60 tables, and I think only 1 or 2 in the whole thing is NOT a left
join. Hence, you most certainly should set the relation in the window for
future reference, and also it will help you when you create a query, or a