Reassign a task to the entire team of resources




On I read the following:
If you are a team leader, you can reassign the task to the entire team of
resources, sharing the work equally. If you are not a team leader, tasks can
be reassigned to only one resource. If you need to reassign the task to
multiple resources and you are not the team leader, contact your project

Has anybody been able to do this? Even as team leader of a team I can only
assign a task to an single individual member of a group. This would be a
helpful feature but I have not been able to figure out how to do this.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Gerard --

Yes, it does work, but the Team resource must already be part of the project
team in the Microsoft Project plan before the Team Leader attempts to
delegate a task to the Team resource. Hope this helps.


Hi Dale,

Thanks for the reply. I am not entirely sure though what you mean with the
Team resource - That would be any user that I have added with "Build team
from enterprise"?
Project team - the whole set of users I added with "Build team from
Microsoft Project plan - ?

I have a number of resources which belong to an group called "engineers".
I.e. I have a lookup table which has "Engineers" as a member and this lookup
table is linked to the "Team Name" Enterprise Custom Field. This works and
they only see the tasks that I want them to see when they click "Self Assign
Team Tasks"

One of these resources is a Lead and when I assign a task to this person I
would expect him to be able to share out the work equally but he can only
assign this work to another single resource and not "you can reassign the
task to the entire team of resources, sharing the work equally"

I am obviously overlooking something basic here. Could you help?

Appreciate your help!

Dale Howard [MVP]

Gerard --

Did you follow ALL of the steps in the FAQ? It sounds like you did not.

You need to create Team resources that represent the members of each team.
Then the PM's can add a Team resource to the project team via Tools - Build
Team from Enterprise, and can then assign the Team resource to one or more
tasks in the project. When the PM publishes the project, the tasks assigned
to the Team resource appear on the My Tasks page for every member of the
team. From there, team members can enter time against the task, or can
individually "take over" sole responsibility for work on the task. The way
that you are approaching this is totally wrong, which is why it isn't
working for you. I suggest you go back and reread the FAQ and follow those
directions to create Team resources. Hope this helps.


Excellent! I think I have it sorted now.

Thanks Dave, this helps a LOT. Much appreciated.

Learning all the time :)

Dale Howard [MVP]

Gerardv --

You are more than welcome for the help, my friend. You can call me anything
you want, except late for dinner! :)

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